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With immediate effect I am discontinuing the site gptimes. This is the end of my longest and first project. A little review: 2011 I made my first experience with websites. The website was called “neuesgameforum” and was a small blog with an attached forum about gaming. There was also a YouTube channel which I renamed to “Marcnado” afterwards.

I have maintained the page only very rarely. With friends I have therefore revived the site under the name gptimes. That was in 2016, after which we spent 2 years regularly writing tests and reports on games, were in close contact with publishers and developers and really tried to get the best out of the site. Unfortunately, due to an Google AdSense block, we quickly lost motivation and started the “content offensive” in 2019 in the form of a “VideoBot” which automatically posts the trailers of the major publishers on the site.

This resulted in more visitors, but a higher bounce rate. The bounce rate was 90% with 0% returning users by the end. Therefore, based on the user numbers, one can see that the site is only interesting for search engines, but no longer for real users. Therefore, I am now ending the project.