Dream it. Hack it. Ship it.

This is me!
Hello! I’m Marco Sadowski and camefrom.space is my brand where I publish all my projects. I’m a Software Developer from Germany. I started programming in 2011: Without studying and training, simply with the motivation to create my own game. Since then, my goal is to create cool digital stuff. I have already gained a lot of experience in PHP, JS (including node.js), and in the .NET Framework (C# and vb.net).
I prefer to develop solutions for the web but I also like to create desktop apps and video games.
My Skillset
What I have done so far…
My work under the name camefrom.space (previously PatchNoteStudio) (2011 - today)
I publish all my projects which I have made in my spare time under the name camefrom.space (rebranded in 2020). Games, Apps, Websites… I already did a lot!
Fullstack Developer at Moon Werbeagentur GmbH (12/2018 - today)
At the moment I work for the Moon Werbeagentur GmbH as Fullstack Developer and help to develop B2B-orientated Websites, Apps and more!
IT-Trainee at Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. KG (07/2017-12/2018)
I was a IT-Trainee at the Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. KG in Schwerte, Germany. I was part of the IT-Support Team for a software in the medical field. I also develop specific tools for some of the customers in this time. I have learned a lot about the communication protocol HL7.